daily materials and their wave influence on health

A significant factor influencing the body’s reception of frequency waves is materials of daily environment. Victor Dyment has determined them to be in 4 categories of environment waves.

All materials are different forms of matter and are presented in the form of vibrating molecules. Each material has its own wave structure and characteristic feature in the form of a frequency signature. If the objects in their wave quality constructively coincide with the waves of cellular matter, such an interaction is considered constructive and increases the protective properties of the immune system, and vice versa.

In textile fabrics, for example, the frequency of the wave signature will be determined by such things as the type of yarn or fiber, its weave, curl strength, hairiness, thickness, dye, etc. All this is very important because it affects the wave characteristics of textile fabrics.

Textile fabrics and other materials with a destructive frequency constantly reduce the wave quality and the protective properties of the immune system force the body’s cells to deplete their resources and adapt to those changes in the electromagnetic nature of the cellular substance. This leads to an accelerated wave destruction of cells, causing chronic changes and diseases not associated with viruses, in spite of when it is mistakenly perceived as a genetic predisposition to disease.


Various objects of everyday life are an essential factor influencing the bioelectric state of the subtle fields of the body, the immune system and electrochemical processes. The response mechanisms of cellular matter perceive the wave interference of clothing tissues, beds, shoes, furniture, glasses, jewelry and other materials with which we come in contact in everyday life as a structural addition and a guide to behavior. Interaction occurs at the informational quantum level of weak fields that significantly affect the spin and energetic activity of the smallest particles.

Each piece of clothing and other accessories has a definite effect on the state of wave coherence of the cellular substance. The most powerful impact and wave chaos in the most vital part of the body is created by majority of modern dental materials.

Effect of weak waves

Clothing fabrics and other materials that come in touch with our body affect everyone and always, changing our energetic, physical, functional, emotional and other states, regardless of whether we want, do not want it, or we notice it or not. The degree of influence depends on the wave and chemical properties of these materials. The body is a bioelectric structure and conductor, and the strength and harmony of energy and cell-to-cell communication signals flows in it depends on many reasons, of which the most significant is the external influence of materials and other environmental objects. Being a moistened substance located inside textiles and other materials, living matter gets into the cooking food effect that is similar to a food which cooked in microwave. This means our body becomes just a layer that is lying between the textile tissues and treated as if it is in a microwave oven, under the influence of negative waves emanating from different materials. The intensity, time and temperature of exposure usually depend on the power properties of the materials and replaceability of one material for another. The effect of weak waves of textile fabrics and other materials extends to the entire surface of a closed biological system, regardless of which part of the body is covered. The negative influence is present in the vast majority of materials for everyday use.


Everyday Materials Affect Your Immune System

Since the materials used in everyday life regularly affect the cells of the body, changes in cells are entirely dependent on the characteristics of the power and direction of these incoming signals. All products that do not meet the Health Frequency® parameters create wave chaos and negatively affect the functioning of the immune system, disrupting the chemical and energy balance in the body and the behavior of nutrients in the metabolism of electrochemical processes. Most forms of wave signals from these materials inhibit cell function. This causes the cells in the body to wear out prematurely. Such disorders cause serious chronic diseases that range from arthritis, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease to other chronic diseases and conditions.

Oscillating polluting waves of destructive materials are incompatible with the Health Frequency quality of healthy cells in the body. The body is powerless to change the effect of the negative wave signal emanating from the materials and is forced to function under these negative influences up to the critical accumulation of specific destructions that provokes the appearance of a particular disease.

If the material has pronounced frequency wave signs of cancer or other disease waves, then they, sooner or later, will provoke a structured appearance of cancer, scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, etc., regardless of our lifestyle and amount of used current protection techniques or the amount of vitamins taken, such waves suppress and injure cells breaking the immune systems. Recorded polluting waves in certain parts of the body, are able to change the natural properties of cellular and genetic structures. The combinations of frequency radiation from the materials around us on a daily basis differ from the wave frequency of the healthy cellular structures of the body and create various diseases and health conditions.

Each disease has certain frequency parameters. This phenomenon has not been taken into account by modern science. Materials that fall within the scope of the body must meet the Health Frequency® parameters. In the modern life of most people, the materials do not meet spectrum waves of Health Frequency®. The immune system spends a lot of resources to fight the adaptions of negative waves coming from materials that create structures of changes and meditations which have nothing to do with Health Frequency®.

Since all the different materials, fabrics, etc., used in our daily life have a certain structure of wave emission frequencies, and these frequencies coincide or are close to the frequencies of certain diseases, this explains the logistics of reasonable mechanisms that cause the appearance of various diseases.


Different materials have a wide variety of wavelengths, but the spectrum of wave lengths biocompatibility is very narrow. Besides this, the seemingly biocompatible products, very often inweave the bioincompatible subtle waves of collateral frequencies and damage our body. The body depends on frequency parameters, and also on where the material is placed and how large the area it covers.

The uniqueness of some materials, which have Health Frequency® parameters is to correspond to the wave oscillations of first and second categories and create coherence in a healthy body (which adapt to the optimal operation of the matrix scheme of DNA, cellular frequencies of blood vessels, blood, muscle tissue, bone marrow, etc.), help the sick body to recover faster, absorbing and filtering in itself a part of the negative wave loads and toxins of the disease. Thanks to the partial removal and neutralization of this overstrain chaos, the health and youth in a healthy body are much better preserved. In this regard, Health Frequency® materials will have a beneficial effect on the health of the body without any negative interruptions.


If the material has clearly expressed frequency waves which provoke the appearance of a cancerous disease, Scleroderma, M.S., etc., sooner or later, independently from our lifestyle and the amount of vitamins we take, this frequency will traumatize the cells, wear out and break down the resistance of the immune system, be recorded in certain sections and change the genetic and cellular structure directivity. Combinations of radiating frequency pollution from materials surrounding us daily are different than the frequency of healthy cellular structures of the body, and create different diseases and health conditions.

Each disease has certain frequency parameters. Materials, which come into the sphere influencing the body, must correspond to the parameters of Health Frequency®. In most people’s lives, the materials do not correspond to Health Frequency®. The immune system spends a lot of its resources to adapt to negative frequency radiating from materials having nothing to do with Health Frequency®.

Since all different materials, fabrics etc., used in our daily life have the determinate structure of wave emission frequencies, and these frequencies coincide or are close to certain disease frequencies, it explains the mechanical triggers, which cause the appearance of different diseases.

The frequency of materials have a large variety of wave lengths and wave length compatibility that depend not only on the frequency parameters but from where the material is placed and how large the area that it covers.


Common misconceptions about materials

Many people believe that materials made from 100% cotton, linen, silk, or fur using natural dyes have a positive effect, while synthetic materials using chemical dyes are harmful. This common misconception is exploited by manufacturers of supposedly healthy products. They do not understand at all that the most important quality of the products sold should be wave biocompatibility. When properly processed, both synthetic and natural materials can have an equally positive effect on the immune system and meet the Health Frequency® parameters. Conversely, fabrics made from natural compounds, if improperly processed, will disrupt the functioning of the immune system, provoking the appearance of inflammatory processes, allergies and the appearance of chronic diseases with the same force as improperly processed synthetics.

The wave quality of destructive fabrics of clothing, bed linen, dental materials, etc. significantly changes the electromagnetic and biochemical essence of the human body. This polarizes and changes the spin of the smallest particles, effects the gravitational properties and densifies of the cellular substance in various body parts, creating energy blockages, changing the power of blood oxygenation and circulation, scattering and weakening the intercellular structural interfaces in other parts of the body, interrupting and thus changing biochemical and electromagnetic properties of cellular and genetic structures.


Why do you need subscribe to Health Frequency website

In present time items with safe waves are recommended only by the Health Frequency website. The companies that produce those items have no clue about the health values of those products and stop producing them over certain periods of time. Here is the reason to subscribe on Health Frequency where you can always get fresh information about items important to your health.

© Victor Dyment 2014-2020