
Wave Bioengineering

This article on the theory of aging and the emergence of chronic diseases is initiated by the current misconceptions of 21st century science about the root causes of their occurrence. The introductory information was created on the basis of many years of practical work on the study of the logistics of the energy mechanisms of living systems and the predictable behaviors were based on the laws of thermodynamics for physics of cellular matter.

With all respect to the deepest research in this direction in the modern society, there is practically almost no knowledge about the information-wave mechanisms of the feedback resonant reaction of biological systems at the cellular, molecular and smallest particles levels with weak waves of objects that we use daily.

This also applies to alternative directions in medicine, which consider the body as an open system of energy flows, but wherein influence of environmental objects interacting with the wave structures of living systems at the quantum informational level is not taken into consideration.

Our website Health Frequency should fill this gap and provide objective information about this problem. We affirm that today the wave methods of support and regulation of the immune system is the most effective. In addition, we indicate the biocompatible wave products of the first and second categories that support the immune systems and exists on the market for everyday use.

Our work reveals seemingly inexplicable reasons for the uncontrolled behavior of the cellular substance, that don’t take into account the main postulate of the feedback mechanism and explains how to achieve control of these mechanisms. This opens up unlimited possibilities for managing the amazing qualities of living systems. There is an inevitable principle of interaction of biological waves and weak waves of everyday objects carrying various wave distortions that change the internal interaction of the properties of the bioelectric signaling system.

The unexplored properties of Quantum Information Waves (“QIW”) of the everyday environment, affecting the purity of cellular signaling, electrochemical, functional, neurological and other interrelated processes in living systems, are the main reason for the appearance of wave chaos and blockages in the system, mutations, chronic diseases and earlier aging.

The dominant scheme of genetic predisposition must be carefully revised and supplemented by a pattern of molecular and genetic wave dependence, including all cellular matter and bone structures at the micro and macro levels. Destructive interference of polluting waves occurs from multiple resonant reflection from bio-incompatible waves of everyday objects in the environment. By accepting the realism of the inevitable laws of thermodynamics we are stating a wave information environment exists that produces certain resonant disturbances in the bioelectric state of the living systems and vice versa. After understanding this we will be able to understand the real essence of destructive waves with phase signs of certain diseases and successfully fight against them.

Our bodies are bombarded with millions of phases of waves every second, and our bodies extract information from them, reacts positively or negatively, both consciously and unconsciously, via sensory and non-sensory channels whether we want it or not.

In today’s life of modern society, the unexplored problem of waves bio-incompatibility creates a constant conflict with the nature of the biofield waves, which are supposed to protect us from disease and maintain a healthy lifespan.

Bioengineering of Quantum Information Waves (QIW)

The good news is that there is an environment that supports the immune system, helps prevent the vast majority of chronic diseases, and significantly prolongs a healthy life.

It is a new paradigm that underpins the Health Frequency theory by interpreting the practical work and observations that support it. By adopting it and following the rules of thermodynamics, we will be able to protect ourselves from the wave causes of the overwhelming majority of chronic diseases, effectively fight viral infections and increase the healthy life expectancy several times.

In the natural sciences of Regenerative Medicine, the moment has come for a paradigm shift.

Basic science must seek and accept skills, new technologies, or discoveries that are easy to understand.

To do this, Victor developed a simple and understandable table of the four wave categories of the everyday environment, explaining and linking together all facts he observed during his research into the prime causes of chronic diseases and early aging.

We position this website as the most advanced and knowledgeable resource that designing and bioengineering QIW of daily objects for healthier longevity.

© Victor Dyment 2021



Positive Feedback

– type of feedback loop in which a change (positive or negative) in some variable results in the same type of change (positive or negative)


biological system is a complex network of biologically relevant entities. Biological organization spans several scales and are determined based different structures depending on what the system is.[1] Examples of biological systems at the macro scale are populations of organisms. On the organ and tissue scale in mammals and other animals, examples include the circulatory system, the respiratory system, and the nervous system. On the micro to the nanoscopic scale, examples of biological systems are cellsorganelles, macromolecular complexes and regulatory pathways.


Alternative medicine:

Alternative medicine is the term for medical products and practices that are not part of standard care.


genetic predisposition is a genetic characteristic which influences the possible phenotypic development of an individual organism within a species or population under the influence of environmental conditions. In medicine, genetic susceptibility to a disease refers to a genetic predisposition to a health problem,[1] which may eventually be triggered by particular environmental or lifestyle factors, such


However, we propose that a focus on specific channel genes is just the tip of the iceberg. Bioelectric state is determined by post-translational gating of ion channels, not only from genetically-specified complements of ion translocators.


In medicine, a prodrome is an early sign or symptom (or set of signs and symptoms) that often indicates the onset of a disease before more diagnostically specific signs and symptoms develop.


Regenerative Medicine has reached a new frontier, and understanding the concept of energy medicine and vibration science in relation to body physiology could provide us with a deeper understanding of the cellular processes that govern healing and perhaps unlock new avenues in tissue engineering.


4 Categories of Environment

All Quantum Information Waves (QIW) emitted by modern objects in our immediate daily environment fall within 4 categories:

They are the most significant factor of longevity and appearance of chronic diseases






