Anti-aging Wave Theory

A brief overview of the wave theory of aging (1)

Aging (2) in a few words is a decrease in the energy saturation of the cellular matter

Aging is a wave disease directly associated with the mechanism of interference processes of the sum of waves in a biological system, which are responsible for the accumulation or loss of energy potential saturation by the body’s biofield.

The rate of aging depends on the power quality of life force in forms of certain torsion waves and properties of live matter to absorb and reflect waves of objects in the everyday environment where daily range is below the Health Frequency level, (the natural background of the most optimal health).


Outer wave influence almost instantly affects the location and electromagnetic properties of ferromagnetic materials which help to form energetic power in a biological system. After, this is directly related to the energy saturation, along with the properties, direction, strength and permeability of seemingly undercurrent wave vibration of energy flows where information interactions directly related to the electrochemical state of the immune functions of the body.

This leads to energy depletion in life force(2) and weakening of electrochemical processes in cellular structures up to a complete cessation.

The factor of the wave influence of objects on the living and inanimate essence of matter in a biological system is the main reason for the change in its activity, density, permeability, and reflective properties. This affects the body biofield, thermodynamics of entropy and homeostasis, causing information chaos of errors in the logistics of internal and external cellular communications, as well as structural and functional changes at all levels.

A decrease in the energy saturation of the cellular substance is the main reason for the early aging of the body and the occurrence of the vast majority of chronic diseases.

Destructive waves of objects, carrying in their structure’s interference forces of oscillatory-vibration qualities, violate the properties of live matter, affecting the energy saturation and activity of the smallest particles, atoms, DNA, receptor molecules, cellular, genetic and etc., interconnected multi-level structures of the body.

Consequently, the cumulative process of accumulation of information errors in DNA and cells is the main reason for changes quality of protein molecules and other elements in the body an increase in the rigidity of the intercellular substance, the extracellular matrix, which is responsible for the ability of tissues to stretch and bend. At the same time, osmosis, filtration, the activity of transporting substances from the external environment into the cell and other functions are disrupted. This, in turn, leads to a change of the usefulness of the natural qualities and the structural properties of the soft and hard tissues, so, the loss of cell and bone mass of the body where the cells begin to function with errors, which also accumulate and lead to tissue damage and inflammatory processes.

Types of wave interactions

There are only two types of wave interactions with the immune system, constructive and destructive.

Victor Dyment classified and defined two types of informational wave interactions with human biofields, distributing them into four categoriesof which, the first and the second create constructive algorithms in a biological system, the third and fourth, destructive ones.

Life force


Destructive waves.

The quality and quantity of destructive waves of objects is also resonantly interacting with the body affects the natural properties of DNA vibrations and cellular structures by systematically lowering permeability of substance and threshold of basic energy saturation which depleting body tissues according to their algorithms. The conclusion of this; due to the lack of knowledge about the wave essence of living matter, the viability of immune functions of the human biological system are constantly exposed to the destructive effects of wave properties of objects in our daily environment of the third and fourth categories.

Destructive waves are created wave and information chaos through specific receptors in the biological system. They are (inherently), bio incompatible to biofield vibrations and unhygienic because changing natural course of metabolic processes to the toxic processes.

Some objects of the fourth category can cause fatal blockages of energy flows in vital parts of the biological system and critical loss of energy saturation that leading to results of seemingly inexplicable dysfunctions with lethal consequences.


Blocking materials

Objects in the everyday environment are mostly (more than 99%) composed of blocking materials. This means that the objects we use, in terms of their wave qualities, are below biological waves where it reflects and interacts with them, working to lower the wave vibrations of the electrochemical system. The quality and quantity of the resonantly blocking waves depends on the reflective properties of the materials.


Toxic waves

Toxic waves affect the natural metabolism of the body by causing abnormal processes. Any object in the immediate environment that does not meet the QIW parameters of Health Frequency usually creates destructive vibrational oscillations, disrupting EMF receptors, then cellular communication and metabolism, provoking various types of electrochemical toxicity similar to pollution symptoms that negatively affect multidimensional levels of metabolic processes.


Resonant oscillatory and QIW vibrational mechanisms of chronic diseases

Chronic diseases are resonant oscillatory and QIW (Quantum Information Waves) disturbances in the natural algorithms of wave, vibrational, informational and logistic properties of cellular matter and intercellular communications, causing a predictable sequence of destructive influences through receptors and other wave mechanisms on energy, communication, immune, electrochemical, structural, mutational, neurological, mental, psychological, functional, etc. processes.

The physics of cellular matter is a mechanism that consists in the wave essence of the biofields of living beings, to get into constructive or destructive wave resonance interactions with environmental objects. The degree of safety or danger of these invisible interactions occur regardless of our awareness about those influences. The informational quantum essence of the biofield consists of a resonant oscillatory mechanism of wave interactions, to copy and repeat the ranges of wave vibrations from everyday objects in body cells where it comes into energetic contact with the biofields of living beings. A change in the natural range of cellular matter creates prerequisites to adaptive vibration for logistic changes at all levels of the system and the occurrence of various chronic diseases, depending on the strength and quality of the impact. This is because many objects of daily life consist of a huge number of certain hidden structural ranges with wave characteristics of diseases. This part of knowledge is still hidden from the modern scientific community and is not taken into account by modern medicine.

Resonant frequency interactions occur in biological systems, regardless of the awareness or unconsciousness of these processes.

Example. Clothing fabrics that clearly have a cellular substance repeat pronounced cancer waves, and many dental materials are the cause of muscle and nerve dysfunctions, arthritic diseases, as well as memory loss and many neurological diseases.

Informational wave disturbances in the logistics of electrochemical, structural and functional interactions are the main cause of the overwhelming majority of chronic diseases, mutational changes and early aging.

And vice versa.


Anti-aging waves – initiate the restoration of the logistics of the body’s wave functions, providing healthy optimalization of the communication, structural, electrochemical, immune and functional properties of the biological system in accordance with Health Frequency standards.

Constructive interference is anti-aging

Anti-aging is the restoration of the body’s wave functions to the optimum energy saturation of all levels of electrochemical, structural and functional properties of the biological system.

The quality and quantity of constructive (anti-aging) waves, restoring energy processes in a biological system, depends on the wave properties of objects of the everyday environment of the first and second categories and special methods of rejuvenation.

Constructive Interference maintains homeostasis by stabilizing the thermodynamics of entropy and the protective functions of the immune system and harmonizes and optimizes the functioning of all organs of the biological system. It also supports the body’s immune system and promotes a healthy lifespan of up to 200 – 300 or more years.


What is Health Frequency?

Health Frequency is the universal wave frequency that we identify as the way levels of radio, electromagnetic, light, thermal and biochemical wave fields of a certain power, length and direction which has parameter frequency and with power characteristic structures that have maximum links to the power structure wave field of a healthy cell mass.

Health Frequency products provide the most favorable and effective work of the atoms, molecules, and cells in the body, by helping through wave information directive support the biochemical exchange processes of positive influences on the metabolism.


Here is an explanation of what it means to be healthy. Good health has only one level of wave frequency for everybody. Any frequency that is out of the parameter level of a health frequency will take away from a level of good health.


Any living organism changes its energy parameters depending on force, time and the wave parameters of the characteristic of the object of the environment that is rendering the influence. The biochemical energy parameters of genetic and cellular structures change vibration properties in dependency from the wave characteristics of materials.

Frequency of waves, the most important detail, very often has direct deviations and particular vibrations of diseases with invisible negative influence on the body (which looks like radiation), but the immune system could not fight with this influence of destructive waves, as it could not fight with radiation.


The government and industry spend a lot of financial resources on curing chronic diseases. Scientists are experimenting with live human embryos, search for influences of stem cells on different diseases, but all those scientists don’t bring us closer to successful results because they just fight with existing problems but not what is causing the problem. It is impossible to win the fight with disease without taking away the root of these problems, which lie on the surface. It is possible, only for a limited period of time, to support the sick body with hope for a miracle, but this rarely happens.  All sicknesses that seem to come from nowhere, are hiding under the influence of waves having of certain power and directivity. Even if successful research on embryos and the effects of the influence of stem cells, can bring us to the result where stem cells rebuild the structures destroyed by disease, the influence of frequency from materials, which originally caused those diseases, in many cases, after some period of time, can break a positive effect which comes from the influence of these new stem cells.

Defense functions of immune system, human embryos, stem cells, genetic structures, cells and biochemical exchange processes in the body which live and change behavior under the same rule of incoming waves, will continue to lower off if the incoming wave frequency from the environment will be a negative.

© Health Frequency 2005


The Health Frequency waves are in a very small range, producing constructive interactions. It supports algorithms for optimal thermodynamics of entropy, usefulness of homeostasis and electrochemical reactions.

Objects of the everyday environment of the Health Frequency standard are selected according to the principle of wave biocompatibility, which maximally excludes collateral damage from wave interaction with these objects. It regulates biological rhythms of micro and macro levels of living systems. The optimal level of the Health Frequency effectively supports the correct vibrations of DNA, cellular and genetic and other structures, mitochondrial activity, metabolic processes and significantly slows down the aging of the body.

Health Frequency® is energetically hygienic information waves that are optimally integrated into the electromagnetic wave fields of living systems. The harmony of wave interactions helps to create a vibrational matrix of complete health.



In physics a wave can be thought of as a disturbance or oscillation that travels through space-time, accompanied by a transfer of energy. Wave motion transfers energy from one point to another, often with no permanent displacement of the particles of the medium —that is, with little or no associated mass transport.

In physics a wave can be thought of as a disturbance or oscillation that travels through space-time, accompanied by a transfer of energy. Wave motion transfers energy from one point to another, often with no permanent displacement of the particles of the medium —that is, with little or no associated mass transport.

2 | Infoaging Guide to Theories of Aging

Only a few broad, overarching theories attempt to explain why we and nearly all living organisms age. These theories compete with each other, making it unlikely that more than one of them could be true.

Universal Features of Metastable State Energies in Cellular Matter

Mechanical equilibrium states of cellular matter are overwhelmingly metastable and separated from each other by topology changes. Using theory and simulations, it is shown that for a wide class of energy functionals in 2D, including those describing tissue cell layers, local energy differences between neighboring metastable states as well as global energy

2 | Infoaging Guide to Theories of Aging

Identification­ of ­the ­mechanisms­ that­ affect ­aging­ could­ lead­ to interventions that slow or alter aging.

In physicsinterference is a phenomenon in which two waves superpose to form a resultant wave of greater, lower, or the same amplitude.

The two waves pass through each other without being disturbed, and the net displacement is the sum of the two individual displacements.

waves physics

In physics a wave can be thought of as a disturbance or oscillation that travels through space-time, accompanied by a transfer of energy. Wave motion transfers energy from one point to another, often with no permanent displacement of the particles of the medium —that is, with little or no associated mass transport.

Biological system

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

biological system is a complex network of biologically relevant entities. Biological organization spans several scales and are determined based different structures depending on what the system is.[1] Examples of biological systems at the macro scale are populations of organisms. On the organ and tissue scale in mammals and other animals, examples include the circulatory system, the respiratory system, and the nervous system. On the micro to the nanoscopic scale, examples of biological systems are cellsorganelles, macromolecular complexes and regulatory pathways. A biological system is not to be confused with a living system, such as a living organism.

The term biofield was first published in the United States National Institute of Health Report on Complementary and Alternative Medicine in 1995 and accepted by the United States National Library of Medicine as a medical subject heading (MeSH) term the following year.

Torsion Waves

By Patrick Quanten MD

This new energy is not an electromagnetic energy, nor is it related to gravity. This new form of energy is a spiralling, non-hertz-like, electromagnetic wave that travels through the ether at speeds of 109 times the speed of light. Because of the spiralling aspect of the wave it is known as the torsion wave. These waves are called non-hertz-like because they do not correspond to the classical theory of Hertz and Maxwell describing the behaviour of waves.,-Reflection,-and-Transmission

If a light wave of a given frequency strikes a material with electrons having the same vibrational frequencies, then those electrons will absorb the energy of the light wave and transform it into vibrational motion. During its vibration, the electrons interact with neighboring atoms in such a manner as to convert its vibrational energy into thermal energy. Subsequently, the light wave with that given frequency is absorbed by the object, never again to be released in the form of light.

How would you describe fatigue associated with POTS?

People with POTS experience fatigue differently. Many describe it as feeling beyond exhausted. It’s as if your energy is completely depleted.

The emerging science of the ‘Biofield’ aims to provide a scientific foundation for homodynamic regulation of living systems. By probing deeper into this field we arrive at an improved understanding of the foundations of biology and body physiology as well as the concept of Energy Medicine [2].

Biological thermodynamics is the quantitative study of the energy transductions that occur in or between living organisms, structures, and cells and of the nature and function of the chemical processes underlying these transductions.

What is the definition of entropy?

Entropy, the measure of a system’s thermal energy per unit temperature that is unavailable for doing useful work. Because work is obtained from ordered molecular motion, the amount of entropy is also a measure of the molecular disorder, or randomness, of a system.

What is homeostasis kid definition?

In biology, the term homeostasis refers to the ability of the body to maintain a stable internal environment despite changes in external conditions. The stability, or balance, that is attained is called a dynamic equilibrium; that is, as changes occur, the body works to maintain relatively uniform conditions.

Intercellular communication

Intercellular communication refers to the communication between cells. Membrane vesicle trafficking has an important role in intercellular communications in humans and animals, e.g., in synaptic transmission, hormone secretion via vesicular exocytosis. Inter-species and interkingdom signaling is the latest field of research for microbe-microbe and microbe-animal/plant interactions for variety of purposes at the host-pathogen interface. generate tiny electric currents as a result of charge flow and changes in membrane potential and thus generate tiny magnetic fields in the surrounding space. These currents in the body are created by the flow of electrically charged particles called ions. In the case of the human body, these ions are usually calcium, potassium, sodium or magnesium which flow in and out of the body’s cells due to various stimuli.

What is meant by oscillatory vibrations?

Oscillation is a definite distance covered by the movement about its equilibrium position, vibration is referred to the physical change brought about due to movement of the body. Oscillation can be seen in the swinging of a pendulum clock and vibration in the plucking of guitar string.

The error catastrophe theory of aging states that aging is the result of the accumulation of errors in cellular molecules that are essential for cellular function and reproduction that eventually reaches a catastrophic level that is incompatible with cellular survival.

The transfer of genetic information from DNA to protein occurs in a series of coordinated processes. The first process called transcriptioninvolves the transfer of genetic information from double‐stranded DNA to single‐stranded messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA)

Wave Secrets of Our Health


There are only two types of wave influences, they are either constructive or destructive. /Moreover, he has found a way to classify objects of the daily environment and subdivide them into a comprehensible table, the Four Categories of interactive waves. The table describes favorable mechanisms

What is understood so far is that the biofield is composed of a series of fields, electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields, as well as other yet undefined more subtle energies.

Four Categories of Waves in Our Environment

All Quantum Information Waves (QIW) emitted by modern objects in our immediate daily environment fall within 4 categories:

Category 1: Healing QIW

Constructive environment waves that are regenerative and rejuvenating

The diagram below shows how our body’s mechanisms interact with Healing Waves of environmental objects and trigger cellular resonance.  The body waves have the potential to increase vibrations exponentially where the sum of the biofield waves and the constructive environmental waves is greater than 1+1 >= 2.

Category 2:  Favorable QIW

Constructive waves that have a beneficial effect

The diagram below shows how our body’s mechanisms interact with Favorable Waves of environmental objects where the waves of the body and the environment superimpose on each other to form a greater resultant amplitude. The criterion for a favorable environment is where the sum of the waves are always higher than zero:
0.x + 1.0 ≈ 1x

Category 3: Average QIW

Destructive waves in our daily environment that lower the natural waves in our body

The diagram below shows how our body’s mechanisms interact with Destructive QIW in the environment. The waves of the body and the waves in the environment superimpose on each other to form a lower resultant amplitude. When the natural body wave is 1.0 and the summand environmental waves is lower than 0, it lowers the body waves to below the natural condition of 1.0, where 0.x is the resultant interactions of a lowering environment. 1.0 + –0.x = 0.x

Category 4: Lethal QIW

Waves that are pathological

The diagram below shows how our body’s mechanisms interact with mortally destructive QIW in the environment.

When the natural body wave is 1.0 and the counter environment’s waves is –1, it lowers the body waves to a dangerous condition where 0 is result of destructive environment wave interactions: –1+ 1.0 = 0.

Infoaging Guide to Theories of Aging | 5

Damage to our DNA happens thousands of times every day in every cell in our body throughout our lives. This damage can be caused by oxidative free radicals, mistakes in replication, or outside environmental factors such as radiation or toxins. Mutations

It acts as an important site for intracellular signaling [4] and detects external chemical and mechanical changes in the extracellular environment [5]. Emerging evidence from our group and others suggests that, in addition to tissue homeostasis, they may also be involved in signaling stem cell lineage commitment in both embryonic as well as in adult stem cells, both in vivo and in vitro [5]–[7].

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What does metabolism mean in biology?

Metabolism, the sum of the chemical reactions that take place within each cell of a living organism and that provide energy for vital processes and for synthesizing new organic material.

Receptors can also respond directly to light or pressure, which makes cells sensitive to events in

New collaborations between physical and biological scientists define common goals, seeking solutions to the physical nature of matter through a strong focus on biological matter. The evidence indicates mediation by highly nonlinear, nonequilibrium processes at critical steps in signal coupling across cell membranes. There is increasing evidence thatдиагностика-заболеваний/

RESONANCE (French resonance, from Latin resono – I respond) is a frequency-selective response of an oscillatory system to a periodic external influence, in which there is a sharp increase in the amplitude of stationary oscillations.

Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.[2] It is the foundation of all quantum physics including quantum chemistryquantum field theoryquantum technology, and quantum information science.

It acts as an important site for intracellular signaling [4] and detects external chemical and mechanical changes in the extracellular environment [5]. Emerging evidence from our group and others suggests that, in addition to tissue homeostasis, they may also be involved in signaling stem cell lineage commitment in both embryonic as well as in adult stem cells, both in vivo and in vitro [5]–[7].

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Li Ching-Yuen or Li Ching-Yun (simplified Chinese: 李清云; traditional Chinese: 李清雲; pinyinLǐ Qīngyún) (died 6 May 1933) was a Chinese herbalistmartial artist and tactical advisor, known for his supposed extreme longevity.[1][2] He claimed to have been born in 1736, while disputed records suggest 1677, implying an age at death of 197 and 256 years, respectively.