A Theory on the Wave Mechanisms of Cellular and Genetic Structures in Relation to the Health

 © Health Frequency 2004



Victor Dyment


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Within the next few years, HEALTH FREQUENCYTM will be recognized as an advanced wave IT for Health Frequency Company with production of patented materials and products of life extension that will help the immune system prevent early aging processes and the appearance of many different diseases. These products will have a very positive effect on the immune system without negative influences.

The technology of the company originated through many years of advanced scientific research on the wave effect of various materials through receptors on immune system’s response mechanisms.

Our research over the years was motivated by a unique new concept and direction towards explaining the wave origin of many diseases.

We are going in this direction with products, through the performance of wave research in daily items materials effects on the immune system.

This technology, which has an important link to everyone’s health around the world, is starting in the USA.

The Health FrequencyTM   products, which will be made in America, can greatly add to the healthy longevity and to our economy.

The markets will serve a global presence of health consciousness.


                                      All people desire to be healthy.



What does the Health FrequencyTM   trademark provide?

The Health Frequency trademark application was filed in the US Patent and Trademark Office in September 2004. The Health Frequency trademark will be used only on products that fall within the parameters of our proprietary system.  Only after a detailed consultation and specific testing will this approval be awarded.  This trademark identifies the quality of the most advanced high wave-vibrations health information technology IT products, presenting the extreme importance of prevention directivity in order to provide the most favorable work of the immune system.


Why does the company have this name?

The name Health Frequency indicates that the goods produced with this trademark meet or exceeds our standards. They will contain no radio, electromagnetic or thermal wave fields, or any other influences that could cause serious harm to the body and ultimately lead to the appearance of chronic diseases. These products can decrease the risk of malfunction in the immune system.

Up until now, there have been no studies which indicate long term influence by the material properties in wide use, and no special designations or markings, which help the buyer to make a selection. Unsystematically, the goods sold in negative materials, with frequency ability of form in power fields, create the wave groundwork for the appearance of practically every serious chronic disease.


Goods produced under this trademark may significantly cut down the appearance of many chronic diseases and conditions such as rheumatoid symptoms, arthritis, MS, cancer, etc. The goods may also help the body resist colds, viruses and infections, as well as high cholesterol and blood pressure. They may also slow down the aging process. © Health Frequency 2005




The essence of all life activity is frequency (waves). Light, color, sound and touch, are all biochemical processes, triggered by vital activity which are connected with the biochemical exchange of substances, and are determined by frequencies. Each frequency presents its own characteristic with formed waves, which connect to the molecular vibration properties of the body.


What is Health Frequency?

Health Frequency is the universal wave frequency that we identify as the way levels of radio, electromagnetic, light, thermal and biochemical wave fields of a certain power, length and direction. They have parameter frequency with power characteristic structures which have maximum links to the power structure wave fields of a healthy cell mass.

Health Frequency products provide the most favorable and effective work of the atoms, molecules, and cells in the body, by helping through wave information directive support the biochemical exchange processes of positive influences on the metabolism.


Here is an explanation of what it means to be healthy. Good health has only one level of wave frequency for everybody. Any frequency that is out of the parameter level of a health frequency will take away from a level of good health.


Any living organism changes its energy parameters depending on force, time and the wave parameters of the characteristic of the object of the environment that is rendering the influence. The biochemical energy parameters of genetic and cellular structures change vibration properties in dependency from the wave characteristics of materials.

Frequency of waves, the most important detail, very often has direct deviations and particular vibrations of diseases with invisible negative influence on the body (which looks like radiation), but the immune system could not fight with this influence of destructive waves, as it could not fight with radiation.


The government and industry spend a lot of financial resources on curing chronic diseases. Scientists are experimenting with live human embryos, search for influences of stem cells on different diseases, but all those scientists don’t bring us closer to successful results because they just fight with existing problems but not what is causing the problem. It is impossible to win the fight with disease without taking away the root of these problems, which lie on the surface. It is possible, only for a limited period of time, to support the sick body with hope for a miracle, but this rarely happens.  All sicknesses that seem to come from nowhere, are hiding under the influence of waves having of certain power and directivity. Even if successful research on embryos and the effects of the influence of stem cells, can bring us to the result where stem cells rebuild the structures destroyed by disease, the influence of frequency from materials, which originally caused those diseases, in many cases, after some period of time, can break a positive effect which comes from the influence of these new stem cells.

Defense functions of immune system, human embryos, stem cells, genetic structures, cells and biochemical exchange processes in the body which live and change behavior under the same rule of incoming waves, will continue to lower off if the incoming wave frequency from the environment will be a negative. © Health Frequency 2005






A significant factor influencing the body’s reception of wave frequency is material.  All materials are different forms of matter and are represented as vibrating molecules.  Each material has its own signature wave frequency. In a fabric, for instance, that signature frequency will be determined by such things as the type of yarn or fiber, its weave, thickness, dye, etc.  All waves received by the body are mediated through substances with specific wave frequencies whether it be clothing, bedding, curtains, or any other part of our environment. The varying potential of materials affects the body’s reception and experience. That potential is an expression of frequency and how its own frequency affects the transmission of frequencies of materials that it interacts with. Those incoming wave frequencies can take the form of low level electromagnetic wave fields, radio wave fields, or any other potential source of adverse frequency.

Because materials in everyday use regularly influence the cells in the body, form and power of incoming signals are completely dependent from power characteristics and direction of those signals. All products that do not fit the health frequency parameters, adversely affect the work of the immune system, disrupting the energy balance in the body, by some effect on proteins, hormonal, amino acid etc. behavior in metabolic and biochemical processes. This causes the cells in the body to wear out before time and earlier aging. This disruption can also cause serious chronic illnesses that range from arthritis, MS, Parkinson and Alzheimer’s to cancer.


This influence exists in the vast majority of materials in everyday use. Some forms of disruptive wave signals from those materials inhibit the work of cells.  It looks like a blockage influence, which is partially paralyzing the cells by limiting the ability to support functions. Some forms of wave informational signals destabilize the work of cells and make an imbalance, not only of a stable condition, but disturb the exchange processes of the metabolism.  No one immune system can attempt to find a solution with those misleading information destructive signals. From that appears unstable conditions and different illnesses.


Electromagnetic waves of those materials are not compatible to the blueprint of a healthy wave condition of the body, and cannot adapt to routine changes in the body, which bond with regular electrochemical exchange processes of the metabolism.


The wave energy parameters have a large amount of signal characteristics, depending on the wave structure parameter of the material.  Some materials have a very strong blockaging ability that lower or cancels mitochondrial, DNA, cellular etc. waves and are not compatible to the vibration ability of healthy cell mass functions. Those blockaging waves creates very strict non flexible frequency parameters which are dependent on the structure characteristics of those materials, after some time affects the cell tissues, makes it seem like the cells became anemic and do not have the power to correctly process their functions.

The body is powerless to change the signal effect from materials. This happens because the body stays in touch with different materials which have very strong blocking, nonflexible frequency abilities dependent on the structure parameters of the materials. The flexible energy of the immune system, when trying to be compatible to those parameters, doesn’t have a special system and power to be able to stand against those influences, loses a lot of resources to defend itself and the immune system becomes dependent from the parameters of the wave lengths. The work of the defense functions become more complicated and sometimes, in critical moments, ineffective from misdirection.


If the material has clearly expressed energy waves which provoke the appearance of a cancerous disease, M.S., etc., sooner or later, independently from our lifestyle and the amount of vitamins we take, this disease will traumatize the cells, and wear out and break down the resistance of the immune system, that will be recorded in certain sections and will change the genetic structure directivity.


In Victor’s research, very often, he saw how people who have cancerous diseases prefer clothing with characteristics that provoke cancer waves. People who have M.S. prefer materials that provoke M.S. etc.


Mechanisms of negative influences looks like this.  Each disease has certain energy parameters. Materials, which come into the sphere of the influence of the body, must correspond to the parameters of health frequency. In our daily life it appears the opposite. The materials do not correspond to health frequency. The immune system is spending a lot of resource to adapt to materials, which don’t have anything to do with health frequency.


Since many illnesses have the determinate structure of the wave emissions, and Victor revealed that these wave emissions were close or they coincide with the materials frequency in a daily way of life,  this explains the mechanical appearance of these illnesses. It proved to be not very complex, and his discovery, the dependence of the appearance of chronic diseases from the influence of materials, led to the search for those materials which do not have clearly expressed wave structures of these chronic illnesses.


The frequency of materials have a large variety of wave lengths and wave length compatibility that depend not only on the frequency parameters but from where the material is placed and how large the area that it covers. It becomes very easy to understand the importance of materials that the body comes in contact with.


Moreover, the uniqueness of some materials, which have the inactive energy parameters corresponding to the wave fluctuations of a healthy organism, and adapting to the optimal work of blood vessels, blood, muscle tissues, bone marrow, and nerve cells, help the sick organism to be more quickly restored, by absorbing in itself the part of the negative wave loads and toxins of the disease. By this over voltage being partially removed and neutralized, health and youth are preserved in the healthy organism. In this regard, health frequency materials will affect the body’s experience healthfully without a negative affect.


Everyone assumes that materials made from 100% cotton, linen, or fur, create a positive influence on the body, and synthetic materials, with the application of chemical dyes, are harmful. This is a big mistake. The bulk of materials from 100% cotton, including natural cotton that was grown without the application of chemicals, and processed by natural dyes, in the great majority, have the same negative effect to the work of the immune system, like synthetic materials that are not correctly processed. The difference is only in that, which directivity and power frequency, was placed into this material during its creation. With correct processes, natural materials and materials from synthetics, can positively affect the immune system equally, and correspond to the parameters of health frequency. Vice versa, with the incorrect process, materials made from natural compositions, disrupt the work of the immune system, provoking inflammatory processes, allergies, and the appearance of chronic diseases, with the same force as incorrectly processed synthetics. © Health Frequency 2005





The theory of the mechanics of the appearance of chronic disease, as the special features of cellular structures reacting to the influence of the frequencies emanating from the environment


Through the completion of extensive research studying the influence from the environment on the work of the immune system, appears the reasonable, logical explanation of this theory, which details the mechanism dependency of cellular and genetic structures, and appearance of chronic diseases from the incoming negative frequency of different materials.


Recent scientific studies were not able to answer the question regarding the appearance and cause of many chronic illnesses. The reason this occurred appears to be not only because the scientists had not taken into consideration the effects of local radio, electromagnetic, light, color and thermal low-level radiation that regularly emanated from objects in everyday use, but because they do not use the necessary equipment for measuring the long term effect from those types of waves of energy influence which appear.  These radio, electromagnetic and other forms of emissions of the energy action are the cause of changes in functions of the immune system, because they have a permanent and straight influence on the immune system. Also, no studies have been done on the long-term effects of material influence. Studies, which research the effect of drugs, don’t take into consideration the ability of negative materials to effect the immune system. But very often the negative effect of those materials are destroying positive effects of the drugs. Experiments of many years of the effect of drugs on animals succeed, because animals don’t use negative materials.


The seeming weakness of local energy fields, and the long- term effects from the influence of materials in every day use, is the key to knowledge of the appearance of many chronic diseases.


Health frequency of the body, in the original blueprint of the immune system, was created very deliberately. In this system there are very exact strict functions of exchange processes in different organs of the body, speed of blood flow, beats of the heart, breathing, the ability to react to different changes, speed and power of those reactions and others.


All random processes in the body, independently from level and amount, have their own energy quantity and signature that belongs to the frequency of each specific organ.

The basic role to regulate the working of the body and directivity of the responsible function has to be controlled by the central nervous system, which provides signals into and out of the brain. Those energy signals have certain power and quantity, which are dependent from the amount and level changes in different parts in the body.


The brain regulates body function. There exist more than a thousand different types of neuron groups, which control different functions through instant biochemical reactions, which represent processes of signals from elementary response and transmitted signals to nerve cells, to more complex analyzing brain signals, sending commands to allow cell structures to perform complex operations. However, the reception of toxic frequencies can significantly interrupt brain signaling, and cause disruption of body processes.


All of the previous information is tied up in one strict and defined energy system, not only by the central nerve system, but also by energy channels whose work has directivity and quantity. From that comes the conclusion about any electromagnetic, thermal or other wave field attack, which has power characteristics not compatible to the frequency template model of the body, which will have a negative influence on different parts of the immune system. This influence exists in the vast majority of materials in everyday use. Some forms of signals from those materials inhibit the work of cells.  It looks like a blockage influence, which is partially paralyzing cells by limiting the ability of support functions. Some forms of signals destabilize the work of cells and make an imbalance, not only of a stable condition, but disturb the exchange processes of the metabolism.  No one immune system can attempt to find a solution with those signals. This can appear in stable conditions and different illnesses.


The body is powerless to change the signal effect from materials. This happens because the body stays in touch with different materials which have very strong blocking, nonflexible frequency abilities dependent on the structure parameters of the materials. Electromagnetic waves of those materials are not compatible to the blueprint of a healthy condition of the body, this means health frequency, and cannot adapt to routine changes in the body which bond with regular biochemical exchange processes of the metabolism.

The energy parameters have a large amount of signal characteristics, depending on the structure parameter of the material.  Those materials have very strong blockaging ability. This means completely non flexible frequency parameters which are dependent on the structure characteristics of those materials.


If the material has clearly expressed frequency waves which provoke the appearance of a cancerous disease, M.S., etc., sooner or later, independently from our lifestyle and the amount of vitamins we take, this disease will traumatize the cells, and wear out and break down the resistance of the immune system, that will be recorded in certain sections and will change the genetic structure directivity.


Those directivities have nothing to do with genetic predisposition.




THE DIFFERENCE between dependency and predisposition of cellular (including genetic) structures, is located in the fact that the appearance of disease occurs under the effect of specific circumstances, (usually from the influence of the incoming frequencies) and independently from predisposition of cellular structures to the specific diseases.


Afterward, independently from genetic predisposition, this incoming wave frequency, by seeping inside, will affect the disease response mechanism and will find a hole in even the strongest gene spiral, triggering a section in the gene which responds to a certain disease, accumulate, compressing, or tearing up the gene spiral with enormous force, and permanently traumatize by creating mutational effects from toxic wave frequencies and will recreate cells on certain directivity from the altered genetic structure and function response mechanism, because this is a permanently working level of frequency which is forcing the gene to work on this frequency.


Because toxic frequencies go through materials as well, further development will go on, as if it was continuing stamping. And so on


The gene construction accepts signals, and directly reacts in sections, which are magnetically predisposed to accept and react to provoking negative signals and adversely change the mechanical form construction of genes with unpredictable consequences.


Because blueprint genes are not able to counteract constant negative influences emanating from materials, genetic, in the original, the independent structure, accumulate more negatives than it can maintain, begin to work partially, and in the worst case, in complete dependence from negative signals, producing mutation changes in the recreated cells, including tumor fibers with all ensuing consequences.


Materials, which have strong wave structures of electromagnetic, sonic, thermal, and color fields, have influence on the body. This occurs, due to achieving changes in the quantity of positive and negative ions, which influence the activity of the cells, speed and power of movement of blood in the vessels. Materials influence our immune system at an atomic and molecular level of cell components, forcing metals and minerals to accumulate in sections, which respond to the negative influence of magnetic fields, through the water, which appears an inherent component of cells, and an excellent conductor. Cells, recording information in themselves, have the ability to change behavior through dependence from the electromagnetic influences, storing or discarding minerals where the electromagnetic influences are most strong, and changing metabolism.


Some materials can provoke pain signals. Because the signal initially is insignificant it is not registered by the wearer, who often lives in regular contact with this material, but regardless of whether the wearer feels the pain signal or not, this signal is recognized, absorbed, and is registered in the cells as pain signals, and accumulates. In spite of its insignificance, the immune system cannot independently remove those registered signals from the system. Gradually a pain signal accumulates in a certain section, beginning to modify, bring discomfort, and in the course of time, a conscious pain threshold and serious changes, such as development of rheumatoid conditions, muscle and joint pain, loss of vertebral elasticity and arthritic symptoms.

The sensory system of the body, from a constant negative influence, gradually effects the immune system’s self defense mechanisms, and the speed and power of blood circulation and its chemical consistency. Such changes occur not always immediately, after months, sometimes years, and even decades, dependent from the time of accumulations, force and directivity of the signal, which inflict the injury of certain depth and form before some symptoms and changes will appear. The doctor in attendance, who would not be prepared correspondingly, will not always be able to determine why such changes occurred.


Similar processes occur in the blood vessels accumulating cholesterol plugs. Reasons can be the same or similar, from local change thermoregulations of the metabolism, from the loss of the impetus of the blood, and there can be, also, from the loss of elasticity in vessels which are dependent under a constant influence of power fields which traumatize cell walls of vessels, through changes in the process of biochemical exchange.

Since speed and force, the biochemical reactions of the exchange processes, depend on the influence of frequency power fields, everything written before explains the phenomenal effect of the influence of the environment on forming biologically changed cells and appears the key for a change in biochemical signals in microscopic forms which are processed in the system, and so, to a change in the metabolism. © Health Frequency 2005




The first line of defense for the body is the skin. The skin, which is the body’s largest immunological organ, in combination with the body’s other immunological assets, can neutralize many microscopic dangers. Skin is a very sensitive organ, feeling for the body with some effect on intellect by delivering a large amount of information to the brain. The developed super sensitive infrastructure of skin sends information about everything that effects the outer layer, not only temperature changes but about the characteristic ability of everything that touches it. Registered information through the skin, comes inside under the skin layers and deeper into the body and straight to the brain, through chemical reactions of neuron cells. When information received from the influence of materials is basically negative, the brain, which controls the immune system and self defense mechanisms, is forced to adapt to this influence. The body mobilization, which is necessary for the brain and immune system response, becomes chronically corroded when the exposure to adverse materials is long term.  Those changes in the immune system of the body come up practically, as a matter of fact, in all processes.


The cells of the body, which are responsible for the changes in the immune system, are created so that they work as antennae, because they completely correspond to their destination, to take on signals, information, and commands and to react to any changes.


This occurs therefore, that under the influence of strong and weak negative signals, the magnetic fields of atoms and molecules, on an intracellular level, the energy in biological potential of cells, wears out, changes, weakens, and passes completely to other degrees of analytical, associative perceptions.

Weakened by a constant g-force, as if stunned, and having lost the ability to correctly react to the biochemical change in the moment of the appearance of dangers, all cells of the cellular mass, become less able to defend themselves because they live in completely changed information and biological space.


Reaction to the changes around become incorrect, sometimes over moderated, and sometimes too rapid, and after, begin to operate the mechanisms of the appearance of different diseases from the provoking influence of negative materials, or from the mechanisms of genetic dependency, which depending on the time, force, and the form of influence of the provoking signals, triggers the mechanism of genetic dependency. The same reason causes the mutation of cells.


What causes the cells in the body to change?

The cells of the body accept information commands, not only from nerve impulses, but also from outside, from different materials. The skin is not a barrier for that. The skin all over the body appears to be just a provider with a large number of nerve receptors, which react to different signals. These signals force a reaction, not only in the brain through nerve impulses, but to all tissues in the body, beginning under the skin layers, blood capillaries and muscles, and ending in the base for all health, the bone marrow, which exists inside all bones. Bone and muscular tissues have the ability to memorize and record this information, because water molecules exist everywhere, in all cells. Water has the ability to change its own behavior, depending on the information it receives, and after that, negatively affecting the bone marrow. By some signals, water can evaporate from the bone marrow and bone tissues, creating degenerative processes and cause the appearance of osteoporosis and similar problems.

Bones and muscle tissues have the ability to memorize and record information. The depth of information through the skin does not always depend on the wavelength, which the materials produce. Some electromagnetic fields that are received from materials, have the ability to enter the body and record, and start influencing the cells, exist and move in the body, even when the material which causes this appearance does not stay in touch with the body. Those fields can stay and move in the body for days and weeks causing discomfort and disturbance in the nervous system, which represents the brain’s signal transmission system. When a critical mass of information field compresses those or other cells, the traumatized cells begin to modify, mutate and the source of the disease appears, which will start developing by its own mutated program.


Which power is forcing the cells of the body to change?

The components of that power, the magnetic ability of water, which is a base in the body, provides and records information, changing behavior which depends on electromagnetic influence and also the amount of metals and minerals which react, moving from place to place because they have a certain electromagnetic dependency from signals emanating from materials in everyday use.


How do these changes appear? What is blockage and outside command signals?

The basic issues for those changes, appears the ability of muscle structures reacting to different command signals, which go through nerve structures by small contractions and RECORD this information. Those command signals do not always come from nerve centers which link to the brain tissues. Very often, outside subliminal command signals from a negative influence of different materials, coming from outside to destruct the nerve infrastructure, which easily reacts to this outside influence, coming under the skin, nerve and muscle structures and causing stable contractions, expressed as a weak spasm, with ability to further accumulate limited work in adjacent areas or in the whole body. The name of that process is a BLOCKAGE BY OUTSIDE SUBLIMINAL COMMAND, A BLOCK occurs.

If the material which is causing the blockage in some part of the body affects some area in the long term, it will record, and will express a strong blockage contraction, which will sustain even after the material causing the blockage is removed. This contraction in the body will have a continual negative effect if some action isn’t made against these destructive contractions


The ruins of those destructions from a blockage, depend on power, depth, form, and length of time of the influence. If the influence becomes regular, (and considering the existing situation with materials currently on the market), after a stable continuation in time, the first to be ruined will be under skin structures. Capillaries, with such a tiny and complicated infrastructure, which brings blood to different layers, become blocked and are stabily contracted by outside interruption command signals coming from the negative influence of materials on the muscles, choked by stress pressure of the muscles and are forced to work under regular compression.  Because of that they gradually slow down, sometimes completely stopping the flow of blood through the capillaries, the slow weakening and cessation of function under the skin layers, cannot regenerate in a normal regime. Metabolism in those areas becomes much slower, a gradual intoxication comes and all those previous influences change the elasticity of the skin and provoke different destructions, and weakening outside layers of muscles and skin and causing earlier aging of tissues in the body.

The same processes cause changes deep in the structures. The cells, under stress pressures in skin structures, become blocked, looking like they are choked, not only from a projecting influence of spasm under skin structures, but also from an influence on deep existing cells by similar negative commands of electromagnetic frequencies, which block movement and destroy vibrational properties of all processes in the body. Those processes build up minerals and cholesterol plugs in areas with slowing exchange processes.

Regardless of the local negative signals, their influence is felt in the entire body due to the ability of electromagnetic fields to spread throughout the moisture environment which appears in the body. They will spread by well developed nerve infrastructure. The cells ability in adequate response reactions, it’s ability to mobilize all resources in following outside command signals, even if those command signals are not coming from the brain  and not the same electromagnetic condition as a healthy body (this means the parameters of health frequency).

Where the exchange processes are destroyed, intoxication of cell structures create different changes, for example arthritis, MS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, tumors, cancer etc. In Victor’s research, he saw some tumor growth processes self destroy after removing blockage materials and changing to materials with a level of health frequency.

Very often, normal work of the cells in the body are blocked by stable electromagnetic, thermal and other fields, by changes in the parameters of cell structures which destroy the processes of metabolism, or cells destruct under bombardment by electromagnetic fields, directed power fields of materials. Those fields have enough power to force change in the work of ion structures, atoms, molecules, calcium and protein components in cell structures, by directed power of materials.

Also, materials emanating negative frequencies as radio or electromagnetic fields and magnified or altered in toxic ways by certain signals which can inflict direct damage on cells. The communicated signals will break complex cellular structures and in the process will change the dynamics of biochemical and energetic processes in the body. Radio and electromagnetic fields have enough power to effect the bond and elements of different constructions, and take out or opposingly, put in certain commands which are breaking complex structures.

Because cells are not compatible with regular negative changes, they can not achieve totally free function. This weakens them and provides premature wearing out, aging and other negative changes. © Health Frequency 2005




Genetics plays an insignificant role in health, because basic to everything, appears not a genetic predisposition but frequency dependence of the body to various forms of information fields which emanate from materials in the environment.


Here are some examples. A pregnant woman who is carrying a child becomes under the sphere of influence of certain materials, for example, clothing, footwear, bedding, dental etc. The unborn child’s developing cells subconsciously receive toxic frequency information in memory, and then as this information is memorized, influences from chemical exchange processes in the body, which are very often disrupted and confused by the response of cells to toxic frequencies, will be compromised. Because of that, the original blueprint memory in the cells will be confused and will not correctly recognize the difference between healthy and toxic frequencies.


This information often dictates a subconscious choice. The selection of energetically familiar products appears to be, not genetic predisposition, but just frequency memory at the cellular level.


In the overwhelming majority of materials, the characteristic of signs containing the wave structures of different diseases, and frequency, which disrupts the normal process of the development of the child.  In spite of the strongly developed shielding functions of the immune system, they are suppressed and change cells in the process of pregnancy.

From the moment of birth, and in proportion to development, to maturity, parents choose what clothes etc. they will come in contact with.


Since children’s bodies are not yet formed, they are weak, and easily yield to physical changes, by existing mechanism of development, it is self taught, and to accept different information, that, in the process of formation, it memorizes, and it gets attracted to the wave structures of that, or other diseases.  This information is received, it is memorized as a blue print, and no one who is growing up, independently cannot figure this out, because they do not know how the body should feel independent from the negative influence of materials.


In the future, this leads to incorrectly teaching the cellular mass influencing associated perception in the brain.  It helps this individual to make the selection with the purchase of goods, intuitively entrusting in those goods, which are familiar to its previous sensations. The negative influence of materials frequency contrasts to the state of a healthy body. The body and also the brain of the child are distracted to a fight with the negative influence.  For the brain it is considerably more difficult to receive and to memorize information, this is a posttraumatic syndrome, which can very strongly be expressed as different deviations, including signs of ADD. This is the reason for a strong increase in such deviations in the recent decades.


Some forms of materials have the ability to concentrate thermal and electromagnetic fields and create an effect similar to the interaction of a weak laser emission. In spite of the weakness of this interaction, it gradually destroys cellular mass, or it disrupts its properties in the sections of lasting interaction, which can lead to serious changes and the appearance of different deviations. If the magnetic field of materials is very strongly concentrated on a certain section of the brain or the central nervous system which is responsible for information traffic, and possesses a sufficient force, it would inflict injury and completely change the physics of this section, cause stable contractions and misdirect the information being sent, then the disease of autism can arise.

This happens because the sensory system of the body, from a constant negative influence, gradually turns off the immune system self defense mechanisms, changes speed and power of blood circulation and its chemical consistency.


Chronic exposure to toxic frequencies causes metabolic changes in the brain and results as degradation over time. The brain cells start to function in a more suppressed regime and cannot wash out and clean themselves. After this, the response analytical associative sections and incoming information eventually turn off.  This can be associated with a cognitive decline and the appearance of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases can begin. Partial loss of feelings of the body and other functions also have influence on intellectual development, which cannot fully realize due to what was indicated in the writing before.


What influences do materials render on the development of infection and bacteria in the body?

Since materials have an ability to influence the behavior of the immune system, they also have a very strong influence on the ability of the body to resist the development of many infections and bacteria.


Let us give a couple of examples. A friend, Sidney, rang Victor from another state, and told him that her five-year old grandson was constantly ill. He had a chronic infection in his ear, and in spite of all preventive measures, even his doctor could not help his chronic condition and ensure that the inflammation would not return. According to her, the boy did not want to sleep in his own bed, and said he felt better when he slept in his parent’s bed. The parents thought his problem was psychological, assuming their child’s complaints were because of his young age and desire to return to an infantile state and be closer to them. So, they forced him to sleep in his own bed. They did not understand that the child had more intuitive sense about the original healthy feelings he should have from his bedding, and he was fighting to defend himself and have that.


Understanding what was causing the problem, Victor suggested she sleep several nights in his bed, and afterward, call him and tell him her impression.  To avoid a psychological effect, Victor did not warn her that she could get the same problem in her ear.

She called the next morning, horrified, and very emotionally started explaining her feelings.   Now she totally understood what was causing the problem, because her ear was also inflamed, and she had never had this problem before.  Victor explained that the child’s problem came from the negative frequency influence emanating from the mattress or bedding or a combination of everything. It is completely possible, this, all together, influences the appearance of an inflammatory process. Because he has a very strong sense of healthy feelings in his immune system, the contrast becomes stronger, and his reaction to everything not related to health frequency is intensified more than in the average immune system. As soon as she purchased Health Frequency blankets and sheets, and made a mattress and a pillow from the blankets, all health problems would end.

The next day, the loving grandmother flew into New York, and after purchasing all of the necessary products, the package was immediately sent to her grandson. Since using only this new bedding the boy has never been ill in the five years since he first started using a Health Frequency environment.


Here is an example from another friend’s family. Because of colds, their ten-year old son was absent from school every other day. This condition had been continual for a long time. Victor advised the same, to acquire health frequency bedding and clothing.  Now, for the last five years, he does not have chronic colds.


The fact is that usual materials, having negative bio, radio, and electromagnetic influences, provoke the appearance of infections by signals produced by these materials, or suppressing the ability of the cells of the body to work in the health frequency level. This means the ability to fight against sickness. In the course of time, the disturbance of the metabolic processes in the cellular structures, acquire such strong changes, that micro flora cells, and the interrelation of the immune system, will be so traumatized, that they cease to react correctly on the appearance of problematic infections, viruses, and other disturbances.


How can we explain the mechanism of frequency influence on the body?

It is possible to comparatively associate the mechanical working of the immune system with the work of an automobile engine.  The immune system works the same way as this motor. The food we eat compares with the fuel. When the food is good and in the right amount, the motor will work efficiently. If not enough, it will lose power, if too much it will start to choke.  If the motor uses fuel of a lower quality, it is still going to work anyway, but not as well as with efficient fuel.  It will smoke, the engine will knock, but the motor will continue to work anyway. The system that provides working of the motor and all the different parts, depends on the quality of the oil, but if the oil is not the right quality or not enough, any part can break and the entire motor will stop working.

The oil pump, for the body, is the heart. The heart pushes blood, like oil, around the entire body. All of the blood vessels work like oil hoses. Because walls in the hoses are not from metal, they can be damaged from different reasons. Those changes happen from outside influences. Those influences are provided from the majority of materials.


Negative materials have frequencies, which block and provide imbalance to the work of nerves and different tissues in the body, provoking stress pressure not only under skin layers, but deep in the body. Blood, the oil material, cannot freely flow in the parts of the body with blockage, through choked vessels, which stay under stress compression and become clogged by sludge from destruction of metabolic processes. The structure of those areas is changing. From those beginnings appear varicose changes, creating plugs, along with collateral damage. Any other organ with an incorrect blood supply, very quickly can be destroyed and stop working.


What do they consist of, which materials are carrying health frequency, and which adversely affect the work of the immune system.

What we will now say, for the majority of people, will be an unpleasant revelation, disappointing, and very possibly, will create anger. But, in order to dismantle everything that concerns the health of each of us, it is necessary to learn correctly to understand the not very complicated mechanisms of the work of the immune system.

We will give a couple of examples of usual reactions to an explanation of the concept of Victor’s discovery.


Some time ago, Victor spoke to an interested manager working in a friend’s office. He understood exactly the essence of Victor’s theory, but he wanted more description of all the components, which would help him understand the difference from the influence of similar materials.  He asked Victor to prove the difference between health frequency materials from other materials. He was very impressed with his knowledge.  He told Victor, “If this truly works, you have a totally new concept that will be a revolutionary explanation about the influence of materials on the immune system.” He was 36 years old, and he had a healthy lifestyle.  He regularly exercised and two to three times weekly, also had a massage. When he and Victor spoke about the influence of materials, he said, with a self assured attitude, that he wore only 100% cotton business shirts to work, which, in his opinion, must have a positive effect on his body. He asked Victor’s opinion about his shirt. After testing it, Victor said that the shirt was damaging his health, and explained the mechanics and symptoms, which were coming from the harmful material. He was enraged. “This is 100 % cotton. This cannot be true,” he said. “Prove to me that this shirt is affecting me negatively.”


Actually, Victor knew any person who didn’t know about the influence of materials and didn’t have Victor’s knowledge about health, and was addicted to these negative frequencies, would have the same reaction. Victor brought a new sweater, with the original labels from the store, which was close to Health Frequency standards, asked him to put it on instead of his business shirt. He didn’t change, but put the sweater on over his shirt, which decreased the effect of positive influence. They had a talk about business, and approximately a half-hour later, Victor asked him how he felt. He answered, that he felt much better, considerably more relaxed, as if someone had massaged his neck and shoulders. Victor asked him, “Is this proving the issue of the positive influence effect of material?” He said, “Yes, very much.” Victor explained when he exercised, and after getting a massage, and after starting to wear 100% cotton that has nothing in common with health frequency, this 100% cotton that he thought was healthy, blocks the work of the cells and muscle tissues in the body in the best case, but in the worst, it brings to the surface, a time bomb inside the body.


In another office, a little while later, when Victor told about this case, the head of the office, with a sense of humor, asked him not to test his clothes. He said that he suspected that the clothes he wore had negative influences, but it was better for him not to know about it, so this will not have a psychological effect on him. Then, humorously, he said to me, “Are you a nudist? Also, would it be healthier to live without clothes?” “No,” Victor replied, “Wearing the right clothes is very important.” Victor explained that health frequency materials help flexibly regulate the work of the body and support the immune system’s defense against negative influences in the environment, better than skin alone. Then, like an ostrich hiding from danger by putting his head in the sand, he said, “I will feel better if I do not know the way my clothes are influencing me.”


A lot of people, like him, feel the negative influence of materials. They surmise about, but they do not even realize, what importance the influence of materials has on the work of the immune system, and therefore, fearing to acknowledge this to themselves, they close their eyes to this. But this problem exists, and whether their eyes are closed or not, the materials have a very strong influence on the body anyway. © Health Frequency 2005




How do materials meeting Health Frequency standards work?

Materials, marked Health Frequency have the flexible and almost the same and compatible level of a healthy body, level of radio, electromagnetic, color, light, and thermal wave fields, most favorably combining with the cellular mass, corresponding to health frequency level and ability to reduce power stresses inside of the body, due to its special feature to react to the adjustment quantity and the qualities of magnetic wave fields and elementary microscopic particles depending on the need of the body, and also protect as much as possible from extra influences of negative frequency in our environment. Health frequency materials gently help the exchange processes in the immune system, without limiting cells by rigidly specific band waves, giving to them entirely the possibility to achieve its functions. The materials seemingly neutralize, they ground electromagnetic fields, transferring their surplus from inside the body into the atmosphere.  And so, without gathering superfluous static from the atmosphere, by the flexibility of its own positive properties, protecting from negative influences, they help the cells of the body to achieve their function, without stress overloads.


There are relatively few products with this ability. The number, in some areas, can be equal to one product in a thousand.  Some types of products, which should meet Health Frequency standards and are daily necessities, in our research, they don’t exist.  ZERO.  Therefore, the buyer, who is trying to have the possibility to be healthy, but not knowing how to determine Health Frequency products, does not have a chance to achieve this, since the products are not marked. The manufacturers that do produce these materials inadvertently and sadly often stop production without knowing the real basis of such product superiority. At this time, the chance to use only Health Frequency products is zero, but indeed this is the most basic condition of healthy longevity, and conducting a full, active life.


This also appears one of the basic rules in treatment, since medicines operate considerably more rapidly and effectively, if the body is located under the systematic influence of health frequency materials. This has special importance with the treatment of Scleroderma, autoimmune, pulmonary and cancerous diseases. Since chemotherapy is calculated for the destruction of cancerous cells, and so wonderfully suppresses the cancerous frequency, which provokes the appearance of cancer, that during the chemotherapy, and afterward, it is very important to eliminate the effect of materials which will provoke the reappearance of cancer.


In cancerous diseases the body and cells become supersensitive to materials that subliminally influence pain signals that stand in the way of regeneration. These signals are not consciously realized, but very quickly accumulate in the area of cancer.  Cancer cells receive, illuminate and transfer the pain symptoms and trigger the development of new cancer cells, and after that, start transmitting and sending signals around and further into different parts of the body, by suppressing healthy cells and causing them to mutate into cancer’s regime. Sometimes the area with cancer is very small and can be easily cured by medical treatments, but cancer signals will spread around due to negative materials, which feed the cancer cells with a similar frequency, provoking the appearance of cancer in other areas.  The body systems feel those signals very strongly, and registered by the brain, take those toxic frequencies and divert resources from the immune system, weakening the defense mechanism, which should be used for fighting the disease. The same occurs with patients with Scleroderma.


So, by using Health Frequency materials, the action of chemotherapy and other types of medical procedures on the body will be much easier to tolerate by saving the immune system’s resources, and in necessary cases, it can be administered longer, with an increase in the doses, helping achieve the necessary result. Often, the patient who was past the course of treatment, and in principle, been proven to be completely cured from this illness, after some time, returns with the same diagnosis, and complains about the weakness and the unpredictability of medicine. But this is not medicine’s fault. It is simply the patient continuing to use all the same environmental materials, which was the initial reason for the appearance of this illness.


Now medicine has a very strong arsenal for the fight with different diseases. But the absence of information about materials which provoke the appearance of diseases, very often does not give the possibility to medicine and other methods, to more effectively fight with the diseases, and those negative side effects, with which they frequently, undeservedly, blame on the doctors or well tested medicines. Very often they are the consequence of the influence of negative materials, which is caused, by what seems an unexplainable, negative effect.

Bone marrow, which is the key to the health of the immune system, changes its behavior because of the influence of external signals. All studies directed towards researching possibilities of treating serious diseases with the aid of stem cells, will not bring the desired result, since it has not taken into consideration the most important detail, THE REASON, which causes these illnesses.


The introduction of altered stem cells which are carrying directed positive information into the sick organism, is equivalent to infusion into a river contaminated by different harmful products, a small quantity of an agent, which is capable of cleaning the river, which is constantly being supplemented by the same harmful additives. This will amount to nothing, if purifying filters are not placed in the areas where the additives are entering, which will protect the river from the pollution at its origin.


Those filters in everyday use should be only materials which are appropriate to health frequency. They have the capability of effectivly influencing the processes of metabolism, those taking place in the organism not only due to its ability it filters, flexibly sifting and removing the stress of power load frequencies caused by different reasons, but also organically absorbing into itself a large quantity of slags thrown off by metabolism which were released through the skin. Since health frequency materials absorb into themselves, and they partially neutralize the biochemical composition of these slags, then the skin has the capability of more effectively achieving its functions, having great significance in processes of metabolism. Even dirty water will be cleaned, if it is protected by a reliable filtering system.


After materials are created, some laboratories test how colorfast the dyes are, the strength of the material etc. Nowhere are they testing the influence of negative command frequency, which has a direct link to the working of the immune system.

Frequency, the most important detail, very often has a subliminal influence on the body, it isn’t radiation, but creates degenerative processes like radiation. The immune system could not fight with this influence of negative frequency, nor could it fight with radiation.

Materials brought from other countries, and even those produced inside our country, have not been tested for an influence from negative frequencies. Standards don’t exist and materials are not labeled as to the influence on your health, as they do with cigarettes.

The government spends a lot of financial resources on curing chronic diseases. Research is experimenting with live human embryos. Scientists are researching about an influence of stem cells on different diseases, but all those researchers don’t bring us closer to positive results because they just fight with existing problems but not with the reasons, which are causing the problem. It is impossible to win the fight with disease without taking away the root of these problems, which lie on the surface. It is possible, only for a limited period of time, to support the sick body with hope for a miracle, but this is not going to happen. All sicknesses that look like they are coming from outside, are hiding under the influence of frequency of certain power and directivity. Even if we have thoughts about research on embryos and the effect of the influence of stem cells, which will bring us to the result where stem cells can change structures which were destroyed by disease, the influence of materials which cause those diseases, in a very short period of time, will break any imaginable positive effect which will come from the influence of stem cells.


Because at the present time this high technology knowledge is only beginning to be used by us, taking into account the importance of this, it is necessary not only to have a health frequency laboratory, but also to exactly repeat, to patent, and accumulate in an analytical base, the technology of the already created materials, which coincide to the parameters of health frequency, since the necessary materials currently on the market are in a very small and limited amount, almost nonexistent.

However, even mild changes in the technology of production generally result in a negative effect.

Patenting highly technological processes and repeating these processes within the exact parameters at all stages of production, makes it possible to protect the quality of Health Frequency materials from being copied, since even the least change in technological processes will greatly change the parameters of wave field structures.


This will completely change the consumer’s thoughts about the importance of buying only those goods which prevent the immune system from early aging and wearing out. This will give a possibility to reduce many times the risk of appearance of serious chronic diseases. Also, with correct labeling of the goods and explanations about the unique ability of the products, it is very easy to change the awareness of the buyer to the competitiveness of those products made within the standards of Health Frequency.  By bringing these products to the highest level in world competition, with the unique ability of materials which are created, tested and distributed, consumers will be sure they are obtaining a product within the parameters of health frequency.        © Health Frequency 2005

























I had been diagnosed with Systemic Scleroderma in 1996. This is an irreversible, deadly autoimmune disease. In researching a prognosis, I found I was given 2 – 7 years to live. Having always been a totally optimistic person, it was impossible for me to accept this death sentence. Having a six-year old son, I was not ready to give up and decided to find answers how to beat this disease. After starting my research I tried every possibility to find a cure for Scleroderma even though no known cure existed. While continuing under the care of my rheumatologist (connected with Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City) I tried numerous alternative therapies, including working with a few well-known healers, with no apparent results. My body’s deterioration from the disease had slowed down, due in large part to a complete change of dental work. Finally, by the Fall of 2000, my body could no longer deal with the medication I had been taking. I was totally inflamed and my doctor started me on Prednisone.  It was the lowest point in my journey. In January 2001, I met Victor Dyment, a Russian healer/scientist who had been doing research into the causes and reversals of disease. He had theories about the importance of how healthy bone marrow can be directly affected by materials of all kinds, which exist in our environment. When he started working with me, under his direction I agreed to change my lifestyle and use only the clothing, bedding and mattress that he recommended as the proper frequency. Within six months, I was off all medication and feeling better each day. After three years he successfully reversed this previously irreversible disease. I am the only one who has accomplished this because I followed Victor’s theories.


Jane M. Parker





Jane’s scleroderma manifested with years of progressive skin tightening despite treatment with Penicillamine, a medication used to promote skin softening.  Because of severe hand skin tightening, Jane suffered digital contractures and open infections.  Eventually she required corrective hand surgery.  She had a severe inflammatory episode at the onset of her scleroderma requiring treatment with Prednisone in high doses.  She had a similar inflammatory episode after four years on Penicillamine, which necessitated the discontinuation of this medication, and return to Prednisone.  Jane sought the recommendations of many alternative healers during the course of her illness, most of which were of no help.  She did have a short term regression of her skin tightening following removal and replacement of her amalgam dental fillings.

When Jane began working intensively with Victor Dyment her condition took a dramatic turn for the better.  She was able to taper off Prednisone within six months.  Over the past three years in which she has worked with Victor her scleroderma has reversed completely.  She remains without any digital ulcerations or infections. She is on no medication at the present time and remains in a complete clinical remission.


Mark D. Horowitz   M.D., P.C.



My meeting with Victor Dyment began a truly positive life–altering experience. As a Psychotherapist and Author of self-help books, I have been called to teach my work internationally.  My personal health was a constant interruption since I was uncomfortable traveling and I seemed to ‘absorb’ many unhealthy conditions from my clients and students. Since childhood I had struggled with my reaction to clothing and bedding.  Victor’s fabrics are the best thing that happened to me. For the first time, I could feel comfortable, energetic and at ease the whole day, regardless of my activities or geographic location. I continue to feel stronger and clearer. The fabrics are like a ‘second skin’ providing a frequency of perfect health. THANK YOU, Victor, for sharing a lifetime of research and knowledge!

