Questions and answers

Blocking waves of material objects

Objects in our everyday environment mainly consist (more than 99%) of resonantly influential blocking materials with a responding resonant effect, which create energy seals of varying degrees in the tissues of the body, followed by disruptionof macro- and microcirculation, atherosclerosis, anemia, heart attacks, strokes, memory loss, neurological and other diseases of the immune system.

This means that the objects we use, such as clothes, beds, furniture, jewelry, glasses and so on, and most importantly, dental materials in terms of their wave qualities are below the natural background of biological waves of cellular matter and, thus, oscillatory, causing resonantly forced oscillatory blockages of various types. Thus, harmonic oscillations in living systems are disrupted with subsequent disturbances in the thermodynamics of homeostasis and entropy in the physics of cellular matter, as well as the electrochemical balance. The quality and quantity of the response resonant blocking waves depends on the sum of the terms expressed in the interference of waves of the immune system and the wave properties of materials.

Following the above, one can understand that the response resonance waves of such objects leads to local sealing and general compressions in the previously harmonized structural properties of living matter. All of this depends on the interfering objects wave qualities, location and energy activity of the immune system.

The more active the wave properties of the immune system, the stronger the forcing suppression of its local and general properties occurs. This is expressed by a change in vibrations and stress compressions of the cellular substance at all levels with a slowdown in electrochemical processes, including significant changes in the properties of intercellular communication and wave permeability.

First of all, wave blockages lead to a decrease in circulation processes and oxygenation of the body with all the ensuing consequences.

In addition, blocking materials are the main cause of vibration disturbance of the smallest particles, DNA, cellular, genetic and other structures, mutational processes, chronic diseases and early aging of the body.

The destructive properties of blocking materials that cause forced oscillations in the structures of a living system occur under the influence of external periodic forces and the consequences of their impact are currently almost completely unexplored by modern scientists and alternative specialists.

Victor Dyment, at present, is the only unique expert, a specialist in bioengineering, who has deeply studied the properties of blocking materials for a long time. This made it possible to distribute them into the third and fourth categories of destructive wave objects of everyday life.

How to deal with wave blockage?

This requires a complete replacement of blocking materials and objects of third and fourth categories on objects of first and second wave categories, as well as restorative procedures using wave and drug methods of exposure.

The famous saying “our condition depends on the quality of what we eat” is not entirely correct. Victor asserts that our health depends on which wave objects our body interacts with.

Responding resonance means that cellular matter, are oscillating with objects of the everyday environment, repeats their vibrations, structurally copying the wave parameters of external influences, in which the wave frequencies of various chronic diseases is usually located.